Prevalence of ID in HF

Anemia and ID are both fairly common in heart failure (HF)

ID occurs in approximately 50% of chronic stable heart failure patients, and up to 70% of patients hospitalized due to acute HF. The prevalence of ID is similar in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) or heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF).
of chronic stable
heart failure patients
of patients
hospitalized due
to acute HF

In heart failure patients, ID is often associated with reduced functional capacity, quality of life, and life expectancy and is often independent of the presence of anemia.

Approximately half of all patients with heart failure have either absolute iron deficiency or functional iron deficiency, and ID is only partly associated with the presence of anemia.

Iron Deficiency is common especially among women, in patients with advanced HF, or those with higher levels of inflammation.

The ID prevalence often increases with the New York Heart Association (NYHA) HF functional class:

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